Saturday, September 09, 2006


Last night, all of us went to el barbazul, the best dance club in town. They have a huge waterfall in an enclosed courtyard and a huge dance floor. Drinks were free for much of the night and discounted the rest. I danced and had a fabulous time.

Around 3, Tim, Tom and I went to another bar across town with Tim's new Mexican friends. The bar was on the other side of town and a bit strange, so we tried to leave. The bouncer at the door wouldn't let us leave unless we'd bought something, which we hadn't, but after a few minutes of tenuous discussion, we were able to go.

After that, we hit up la Gringa, a taco stand close to the university and met up with some other friends. Tacos con carne al pastor are the best remedy for a fun night of partying.


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